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来源:网络整理  发布者:admin  发布时间:2024-01-04 21:27:08


  1. 1、关于制作美食的英语谚语?
  2. 2、中国各个省的美食用英语怎么说?
  3. 3、世界各地的美食(英文)?
  4. 4、介绍广东两种美食的英语作文?
  5. 5、介绍美食英语?


1,Eating a date a day makes you look old . 一天吃个枣,容颜不易老 .2,Add shepherd;s purse to porridge,keep fit.粥里加荠菜,身强体不衰 .



宫保鸡丁 - Kung Pao Chicken (Sichuan Province)烤鸭 - Peking Duck (Beijing)麻婆豆腐 - Mapo Tofu (Sichuan Province)汤包 - Soup Dumplings (Shanghai)糖醋鱼 - Sweet and Sour Fish (Zhejiang Province)肉夹馍 - Roujiamo (Shaanxi Province)酸辣汤 - Hot and Sour Soup (Sichuan Province)羊肉泡馍 - Yangrou Paomo (Shaanxi Province)豆花 - Douhua (Guangdong Province)烤串 - Kebabs (Xinjiang Province)烤肉 - Barbecue (Inner Mongolia)龙虾 - Lobster (Jiangsu Province)鲍鱼 - Abalone (Shandong Province)饺子 - Dumplings (Liaoning Province)粽子 - Zongzi (Zhejiang Province)

Chinese province signature cuisines in English:1. 宫保鸡丁 (Gongbao chicken): Sichuan Province2. 烤鸭 (Roast duck): Beijing3. 豆腐脑 (Soybean curd): Anhui4. 南乳肉 (Ferm_

结论:The delicacies of various provinces in China解释原因:中国作为一个拥有五千年历史的文明古国,各个地域之间的历史背景、地理环境、气候特点、文化传承等因素,导致各地所产生的美食千差万别,具有独特魅力和风味,因此这些美食可以被称为The delicacies of various provinces in China。内容延伸:中国的十大名菜有哪些?What are the top ten famous dishes in China?



这有很多啊那就简单的给你介绍几个吧英国:炸鱼薯条、土司面包夹烤牛排配约克郡布丁法国:鹅肝酱煎鲜贝、法国洋葱汤、法式辣猪排、法式锔蜗牛印度:印度咖喱、印度薄饼墨西哥:玉米宴、塔科饼德国:烤猪肉、醋焖牛肉、咸猪手、酸白卷心菜 、斯图加特美食、洋葱熏肉饼 乌干达:蕉饭 日本:生鱼片、寿司、味噌汤、天妇罗巴西:烤牛肉、Feijoada、Caruru 丹麦:魔鬼太阳韩国:韩国泡菜、紫菜包饭、辣炒米糕、冷面、大酱汤 中华台北:蚵仔煎、深坑老街臭豆腐、九份芋圆、棺材板阿根廷:馅饼、牛肉意大利:意大利肉酱焗意粉、意大利海鲜浓汤、茄汁意大利肉圆面、意酱通心粉



There are many tasty traditional snacks in Guangdong.  Shrimp Dumpling is one of my favorite. It is a exquisite mini dumpling with fresh shrimp in it.   Egg tart is a popular snack in Guangdong. People usually have it on morning tea time. The inside of the pie is made of eggs while the outside is made of baked flour. So it tastes both tender and crisp.   Both of the snacks above are extremely delicious and popular.



Gourmet food is delicious food, with expensive delicacies and cheap street snacks. Good food is not just the food on the table. It also includes leisure snacks, biscuits, cakes, sugar, candied fruit, dried fruit, meat food, tea brewing and other products, each with its own flavor, which can be called delicious food.

介绍美食的英语有很多,如美味的Delicious ,可口的Good to eat ,香辣的Alright.,香脆的Crispy ,酸甜可口的Sweet and sour,软糯的Soft waxy 等等




